Wednesday 19 August 2015


Joe came to teach us activities to improve our throwing skills

Term 3 compost


Yesterday Mrs Langli came and showed us how to make compost.

We had to layer 'brown's and 'greens'.

Browns were cardboard, paper, dead leaves and pea straw.

Greens are seaweed, food scraps, weeds, grass clippings and horse poo.

We have to add water. Worms will turn the compost in to soil.

By Savana



Suzanne came to Tahunanui School and helped Room 12 with our tennis skills

Term 3

Term 3

Keep It Clean

We followed instructions on how to wash our hands

We used water to wet our hands

We rubbed soap over them

We rinsed our hands

We dried our hands with a paper towel.

Our hands are clean!!